It’s Lisa’s turn at the pound table today and she has box 19, and she drops some stuff from the top of her box as she takes the walk of wealth. Noel and Lisa run through the various things she has on the box, and we get to see some pics of her husband who is in the audience today and a few more of her family. We learn that Lisa is a fitness instructor. Noel says it's been a good week for high numbers coming to the table and working on the values that have appeared so far, the £75,000 should appear today!!!
Round 1
Noel goes to Kelsie who hasn't got her glasses on today, she has left them in the green room, as she was told she looked better without them!
18 - £20,000 No reaction to that one
10 - £10 Cheers for the first blue
8 - £3,000
12 - £15,000
Lisa says there doesn't appear to be as many boxes when you stand at the pound table!!
20 - £250
Noel says it's a good opening round as the power 5 is still intact. The banker says he is on a roll at the moment and it's not the best time to be playing against him! He says that Lisa is looking amazing today and looks glossy like a well-groomed horse!! Noel says it's no wonder you have been married 6 times!!! The Banker offers £10,005, Lisa says it's a really nice offer, but NO DEAL
Round 2
16 - £50,000 ARGGHHH says Noel
Noel asks how Lisa is picking her boxes, she is picking the numbers that don't mean a lot to her at the moment.
5 - £50
15 - £1
Look at that shouts Noel, pointing at the board that is very evenly balanced. The banker says that he is worried about the room now and the support that Lisa has from them. Noel and Lisa start pushing each other around!! The Banker offers £20,004, Noel goes to Lisa's husband who says it's a very strong board at the moment and to play her own game. Lisa says NO DEAL
Round 3
3 - £5,000
13 - 10p Newbie Charlie
Lisa goes for box 1, as it should contain the 1p
1 - £250,000
The banker says that round had a sting in the tail, and offers £15,003. Lisa asks the audience what they think, they all say to go on... Lisa says NO DEAL
Round 4
Noel asks is Lisa still thinking of the £250,000, she says NO it's the 1p that is worrying her.
17 - 50p
11 - 1p WOW WOW WOW says Noel
We're right on the edge of an all blue round Noel tells us.
22 - £100
Lisa gets her all blue round, and Noel says that round came just at the right moment, he then tells the banker the game is going their way now. The Banker offers £23,001, Noel says it's a great offer and to really think about it. Christine tells her that she has 5 lower amounts on the board than her offer and she can hit all of them in the next round. Noel tells her the board is very strong and lots of players would love that board, although it's also a big offer, and then points out that box 19 has come to the table with some big amounts lately. Lisa says she is ready, but then the banker calls back and says that £23,001 is not easily divided by 3 (The number of children that Lisa has), so he raises the offer to £24,000!!! The mind games begin!! Lisa's husband tells her that she came with a figure in mind and to base her decision on that. Lisa says DEAL
Noel wonders if Lisa's game will continue "Regret week"
Round 5 - Proveout round
2 - £5
21 - £10,000 NOT GOOD ENOUGH shouts Noel
4 - £75,000 NO NO it's not enough says Noel
The banker would have offered £30,000, you've only lost out on £6,000 at the moment says Noel!! Lisa reveals that £30,000 was her target, Noel says if only you had gone on you would have got exactly what you wanted and would have been really happy!!
Round 6 - Proveout round
14 - £100,000 Yes shouts Noel, you cut that a bit fine
7 - £750
6 - £500
It’s time for the Banker with £1,000 and £35,000 remaining, and The Banker would have offered £16,000 - That's good says Lisa...
Noel opens Lisa’s box 19 and reveals £1,000, YES I DID IT shouts Lisa.
Box 9 contains the £35,000
to discuss or read more about today's game
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