It’s Jay’s turn to take the walk of wealth today, and he has box 19, he gets a very big cheer as he makes his way to the pound table. Jay is a student from Liverpool, and he is studying to work in child welfare. Noel says The Banker is determined to make Jay go away with as little as possible, but Jay says there is no way that will happen. He has quite a few of his family members in the audience for support today, and we also see a few of his pics. Jay has a financial target and he says it's the figure on the bottom right
Round 1
More wise words from Tess about the banker being a cunning fox, which has Noel in hysterics!!
22 - £5,000 (Tess)
7 - £15,000 (Theresa)
Blue chants already!!!!
9 - £750 (Vikki)
1 - £100,000 (Rita) Big groans for newbie Rita!!
Jay asks one of his friends to pick the next box!
8 - £100 (Steve)
There are some shocked reactions when the phone rings!!! Noel tells the banker that "action man" is here, and The Banker says yes there is also a man in the audience who looks likes Noel!! The camera pans around and indeed the chap does look like Noel! The Banker has a gift for Jay and it's an Action Man dressed as Jay, complete with a mini badge… He then offers £8,000, and it receives groans from the audience. Jay says NO DEAL
Round 2
Jay thinks of box 10 but changes his mind
Blue chants start!
12 - £20,000 (Joe)
More chants!!!
10 - £500 (Christine)
More chants
5 - £250 (Nathan)
There are more shocked reactions to the phone ringing! Noel tells the banker the board is looking interesting, and The Banker offers £14,000. Jay says there are potentially 9 blues left with the 2 low reds included as blues... Jay says NO DEAL
Round 3
More chants
11 - £10 (Jackie) Big cheers
Jay thinks of going for his Nan's birthday next and goes for it. Noel tells Jay to remain focused... More chants
6 - £250,000 (David) Total shock around the studio, Jay says he knew he should have saved that one until the end. Noel tells Jay to put that behind him now.
2 - £50 (Kerry)
Jay is still annoyed at himself about not saving box 6, which was his Nan's birthday. The Banker goes on about his power5 still being intact, and offers £6,000. Jay asks for the question straight away, and says NO DEAL
Round 4
More chants
17 - 50p (Charlie) Big cheers
More chants
4 - £1 (Miles) Big Cheers again
Noel calls a break before the next box...
Noel keeps telling Jay to find the 1p
Blue chants start
13 - £3,000 (Phil)
Jay says he was counting the £3,000 as a blue, so it's OK. The banker says it was a good round for Jay, and he made a mistake with his last offer of £6,000. He now offers £15,000. Noel says it's a clever offer and asks is it enough, Jay replies no, and it’s NO DEAL
Round 5
Blue chants
15 - £5 (Philomena) BIG CHEERS
More chants
3 - £1,000 (Penny) It's OK says Noel
More chants
14 - £50,000 (Tanweer) Groans all around
Noel says that Jay was one box away from a very being in a strong position, but he has now allowed the banker to put Jay in a very tricky situation. The banker thinks that Jay is trying to intimidate him at the moment, but he won't be... He offers £20,000
Noel says that's a clever offer, and someone in the audience starts chanting NO DEAL NO DEAL.... Noel grabs the microphone and finds the chanter and asks her what she would do here!!
Jay says he thinks he will regret this... Jay says DEAL
Round 6 - Proveout round
21 - £75,000 (Barry) BIG CHEERS
Make this the perfect round says Noel
16 - £10,000 (Joyce) More cheers
20 - 10p (Dee)
It’s time for The Banker with 1p and £35,000 remaining, and it would have been all or peanuts now says Noel. The banker would have offered £10,000, and Jay says he would have said NO DEAL. Noel hopes that Jay hasn’t squandered the chance to win an additional £15,000 here.
Noel opens Jay’s box 19 and reveals £35,000 Arrrghhh says Noel…
Box 18 (Jamie) contains 1p
Noel closes out the show saying that if Geoff had a little more conviction he could have won £35,000, but if he had a little more spirituality and kept his Nan’s birthday box in play, he could have won the £250,000 as he would have been offered the swap!!
to discuss or read more about today's game
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